Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Cable or No Cable and Dogs on the Trail - Sat., June 21

Today's experience hiking Eagle Creek Trail was fascinating psychologically. A number of the cliff walls had steel cable bolted into the rock so you could cling to it while walking the narrow trail along the cliff's edge.

Cliffside cable along narrow trail
However, there were also portions of cliff trails with no cable; some of those portions were quite rocky which could cause people to trip and fall.

No cable on some stretches
Which begs the question: Cable or no cable?

What I found interesting was this: on the way up the trail, we clung to the cable for dear life. On the way down, I didn't care about the cable except on the narrowest portions? What changed?

My attitude and my experiences changed. On the way up I learned that, while the cable was a good psychological crutch, I really didn't need it all the time. On the way down I rarely used it.

Interesting, isn't it?

Dogs on the Trail:

Leashed dogs are allowed on the Eagle Creek Trail. My question is: Are owners who take their dogs up this trail abusing them, are they responsible pet owners? The reason I ask this is because many owners do not leash their dogs.

In the past, dogs have fallen to their deaths on this trail because they try to chase a bird or squirrel right off the cliff. Also, this trail has many large rocks and heavy gravel in the path. I can only imagine a dog's paws getting torn and bloody going a long distance on this trail. You may say, "Well they can pick up their dogs and carry them." Ummm, not a Labrador retriever, and certainly not any dog along the cliff faces. Gave us the chills watching so many dogs go up that trail; many without leashes. One large dog was leashed to the owner's belt and was pulling the lady along. If that dog went over the cliff so would the owner.

That's all I have to say about that. What are your thoughts? Would you take your dog on the pictured trail?

Travel Bug out.


  1. I've hiked that trail a couple of times and I would not take my dogs on it ... even on a leash. It is too narrow in places and it is well traveled so it is hard sometimes to get around people going the opposite direction. Having said that, I don't mind seeing other people's dogs on the trail.

    It's a great hike and a favorite of ours and the grandkids once during the summer. We meet them there to camp overnight and hike. I was really excited to see your pics come up in my blog roll! Hike on!!

    Susan Arthur

  2. Thanks for your perspective on dogs on the trail. We didn't mind seeing dogs on the trail, but were concerned when many weren't on a leash. Also some dogs seemed very out of shape and were panting loudly a very short way up the trail.

    1. It's a killer for me ... I'm so out of shape. And on a hot day, that kind of hiking is not fun for me, I can't imagine my dogs liking it.

  3. I'm obviously not a hiker - I thought the cable or no cable was going to refer to choosing motel rooms by the TV offerings. ;)

    Loving the pictures!

    1. Oh, good. I caused a little shift in your thinking. LOL.

  4. Personally I would want my dog on a leash on steep trails and I normally keep them on the leash on any steep trail where they might fall...if its a flat trail and few people are around I will let them off leash one at a time, since I have 2.

    1. It also probably matters if there are large signs at the start of the trail saying dogs must be leashed, which this trail had. I don't know how many people we warned (whose dogs were off leash) that there were steep cliffs ahead and they might want to leash their dogs for their safety.


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