Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Yo-Yos - Tues., Apr. 29

Did any of you play with yo-yos as a kid? I loved my yo-yos and could do some of the simpler tricks: walk the dog, rock the baby, loop the loop, man on the flying trapeze, and around the world.

I was a tomboy back then. Our neighborhood had lots of kids and we could get pretty rough. We played games like "Crash Bikes" where each of us would draw a secret map. Someone would yell "Go" and we'd each follow our maps on our bikes. Invariably we'd end up crashing into each other.

When we weren't crashing bikes, my next door neighbor Susan Diane and I would go door to door in the neighborhood rustling up gossip, news and jokes for our handwritten paper called, "The Newsmonger." I was a writer way back when! We sold them to the neighbors for 10 cents a copy. In our modern times we couldn't do something like this. First off, who needs it with Facebook and Google +? We know everyone's business. Second, we wrote about who was going on vacation and when. Now we'd have to worry about thieves breaking in if we published that kind of info.

Our active neighborhood also played baseball in the street, did handstand, cartwheels and other gymnastic feats, made up episodes of Flash Gordon in the school playground on weekends, roller skated, and played hide and seek throughout the neighborhood. Craziness!

Yo-yos helped inspire a trip down memory lane. What fun things did you do as a young kid?


  1. What a fun time you had as a kid--love your newsletter! My sibs & I were the only kids on our road. Our favorite activity was to go to this place down the road that was a sandy cliff with pine trees on top. We loved climbing the trees & sliding down the cliff. It wasn't a drop-off & we came home filthy! I loved growing up on the Oregon Coast! Thank you for asking--good memories.

  2. We still have our yo-yos, our neighbors had a swamp behind their house where we all played in. Winter time behind our house we had a large we all used to sled down, now it's covered in houses.


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