The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024
The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Supper with Friends - Sunday, Dec. 25, 2016

Around 9am, Bob went on a four-mile run, his first run since the Honolulu Marathon. He was very proud that he ran the whole way and felt great. He will now be training for the Austin Marathon on February 19.

Christmas morning, 11am: We packed up the wild rice stuffing, mashed yams, a bottle of Moscato, and a bottle of port wine. From the RV park to Susan and Darren's home is a half-hour drive. The weather outside was delightful (not frightful) at 79 degrees. 

When we arrived, after saying our "Merry Christmases" to Susan, Darren, and their son, Kyle, I helped Susan in the kitchen. Our main dish was Sole Thermidor. Susan was rolling up the sole, readying it for the oven. 

Once the fish was in the oven, I made the thermidor sauce, which is similar to a cheese sauce on macaroni and cheese. After the fish cooked for 25 minutes, the thermidor sauce was poured on top and then the pan was placed under the broiler for 1 minute.

Dinner was served. Besides the sole thermidor, we had wild rice stuffing, mashed yams, fresh red and green grapes, bread with honey butter, and wine or beer.

Kyle and Darren loading up their plates

Sole Thermidor (lower left), grapes,
mashed yams, wild rice stuffing, bread

Bob and Susan M. ready to eat

Darren and Bob
We had a lovely meal. The Sole Thermidor was excellent. The fish was cooked to perfection. The wild rice and yams blended perfectly with the fish. 

For dessert, Susan put out Pirouette wafers and homemade cinnamon cookies with icing. Very tasty. 
This was the first time in 20 years that Susan and Darren have been home for Christmas. Normally they go to see their family in Ohio. Thank you, Susan and Darren, for inviting us to your home for Christmas. We feel honored. 

After dinner, we sat on the couch and everyone watched sports, except me. I read a National Geographic magazine, napped, drank some port wine, and then read Entertainment Weekly. I love catching up on naps and reading while others are watching sports.

Games they watched included Golden State Warriors vs. Cleveland Cavaliers, and San Antonio Spurs vs. Chicago Bulls. Everyone was happy with the outcome of both games: The Spurs and the Cavaliers won.

Christmas Day was just right...time well spent socializing with friends.


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