The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024
The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

Saturday, December 24, 2016

We Got Caught on a Christmas Lights Walk - Sat., Dec. 17, 2016

Last Saturday night Susan Medlin and I went to see the Christmas lights and luminarias along the San Antonio River Walk. Bob planned to go with us, but he developed gout in his foot the week before and it hurt too much to go. He did, however, have dinner with us at The Luxury before we started walking.

Our walk started on the veranda here
This Volksmarch had been postponed two weeks because when it was first scheduled the weather was cold, rainy and windy. Only about two dozen people showed up. So they rescheduled the walk.

The temperature this evening was about 74 degrees and muggy when we started the walk. Overnight a cold front was supposed to come in about 11 pm. By the time we finished dinner and started our 10k walk it was 8 pm. 

We love this night-time walk with so many beautiful decorations. Here we go...

Santa lights on shore, reflected in the river
The light show on the Museum Reach of the River Walk is called "River of Lights."

Lots of lights in the water along here.
Lit up fish under I-35.

Beautiful lighting at The Pearl
The Pearl

Passing by the San Antonio Museum of Art, we were impressed by the lights projected onto the museum's outside wall.

San Antonio Museum of Art
Elves peered out from behind trees.

Lights on the lockx

Susan M. reaching for a shooting star

More stars

Year-round mural on the side of El Tropicano Hotel

The temperature on the first part of our walk was so pleasant. I was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and a very light windbreaker. After dinner we mentioned we'd be eating ice cream when we got downtown. 

Mother Nature had other plans. By the time we made it into downtown at Main Plaza in front of San Fernando Cathedral, the wind picked up. It was a cold wind! We thought we should speed up a bit. Wind was howling down the River Walk "canyons" directly head on. The lightweight windbreaker I borrowed from Bob did not do any good at keeping the piercing wind at bay.

By the time we had moseyed around San Fernando Cathedral, the wind was getting colder and stronger. Eating an ice cream cone was no longer viable. We hurried back to Susan's car at the VFW Post where we had started. Brr. We definitely got caught in that temperature drop. It had gone from 74 to 44 degrees in three hours. With wind chill taken into consideration, the temperature was 33!!

But we survived to walk another day (or night). Susan gave me a ride home. It was 10:30 pm. 

Merry Christmas to you all, good will, and peace on earth. 


  1. Beautiful holiday lights ... seasonal festivities.

    1. Hi Erin,
      Good to hear from you. I see you're back in Texas.

      It was a lovely walk last Saturday night on the River Walk...until it got cold! We sure hurried the last two miles!

  2. Aren't Christmas lights beautiful. (and San Antonio really knows how to do them well)

    Crazy about the drop in temperature so quickly.

    Happy Holidays...hope Bob is feeling better.

    1. Hey, Cheryl,
      Thanks for dropping by. I appreciate your comments.

      Bob's gout is pretty much gone and he'a back to training for another marathon - Austin in February.

      Happy New Year to you!


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