The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024
The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

Friday, September 28, 2012

It's the Simple Things -- Fri., Sep. 29

Who would have thought I'd write a blog about a kid's toothbrush? Well let me tell you, they don't make 'em like they used to.

It's been a week since I've brushed my teeth because of my fall and subsequent wired jaw. My mouth felt, and probably smelled, awful. I have been swishing clear water around and letting it dribble out because I was beside myself due to my poor oral hygiene. The doctor's nurse told me no mouth rinses and to use a toothbrush to brush the outsides of my teeth. An adult toothbrush would not fit in the small space I created by pulling out 1/3 of my mouth. (The middle of my upper lip is covered in a big scab so it doesn't stretch at all.)

On the internet, one of the maxillofacial surgery centers had discharge instructions for a wired jaw that said to use a child's toothbrush. So Bob was nice enough to buy a child's toothbrush for me this evening. It is the cutest thing ever in a toothbrush!

Check it out. It looks like a kangaroo and has suction cup feet so it can stand on the counter and look adorable. (This is an Aquafresh Kids, 3+ years, soft toothbrush, in case you're wondering.)
My new 'roo'thbrush (sounds like Scooby Doo!).
I can report to you I now have a clean set of wires, bands and the outsides of my teeth.

It's the little things. Don't ever take them for granted.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Oh Susan, the miseries you are dealing with!! At least a little humor to cheer you up! I can't stand to 'rest' one more minute so today I power washed the house and my little trailer. (I am on a mission to get my house on the market so I can hit the road too) A week of laying around was not in my plans. I am doing better. I would be doing a lot better if my head ache would just go away! I'm hoping you will be as good as new in no time!!

    1. You too. Sorry to hear your headache is still with you.

      Best of luck to you on the sale of your stix & brix home!

  2. Using your "Roo" will remind you each day of the great things yet to see over the horizon.

    1. Thanks for the reminder. Soon we should be seeing real 'roos.

  3. That is an adorable tooth brush. I'm so far behind on reading I have to go back and find out what the heck happened to you. Poor thing!

    1. You can find it from Friday, Sept. 21: "I Broke My Face."

  4. Yep, it's the simple things . . . like being able to take a shower, wash one's hair, and shave one's legs! Hahaha! You're making progress with a great attitude. Keep it up! Hope you have a restful and comfortable weekend.

    1. Restful and comfortable, check and check. Got those figured out.

      I miss licking my lips, being able to lick food off my fingers or a drip from down the side of a mug. It's weird but you don't realize all the things your tongue does for you until it's not available. Although I am surprised by how well I can talk using only my tongue and not my whole mouth. My mom says I should become a ventriloquist Ha ha, very funny.

      Glad to know you are pretty much back to status quo physically. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Oh, we are wishing you a quick recovery! We just know you are looking forward to looking back on this awful time. Be well and safe travels, Ann and Jerry

  6. Oh Susan, so so sorry to read all of this. (just trying to catch up on your blog). I fell almost 3 months ago and knocked two of my teeth in. Had to have two root canals on those two front teeth and I still can't eat on them and have been to dentists and endodontists for many appointments. I know what you mean about not taking anything for granted. I had to literally hold my teeth to brush them because of the pain. Now, I have to cut everything I eat into tiny pieces because I can't cut into my food with those front teeth. My lip was split but that has since healed and although 3 of my teeth were chipped (I looked like a hillbilly!) they have been patched to look pretty normal. People have no idea when we say "your life can change in an instant..."

    Take one day at a time and I really, really hope you heal as quickly as you can.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lynda,
    Thanks so much for writing. I was wondering what I might be facing recovery-wise. You sound like you have similar injuries.

    Please accept my condolences and well wishes. It sounds just awful.



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