Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sunday lunch meet-up with blogger friends - Sun., Mar. 23

When we saw that Teri and Jerry of Just Wandrin' blog were in San Antonio, we wanted to meet them. Since both of us were busy, we ended up having lunch today at The Big Bib BBQ restaurant in San Antonio.

The only reason Bob and I knew about this restaurant was because they catered our RV park employee Christmas party. We remembered how good the food was and suggested it for lunch. The place doesn't look like's a storefront in a strip mall in a run-down section of town. We didn't care.

Teri and Jerry were waiting for us at a table when we arrived. They were thrilled with our choice of restaurant. The waitress had already been by the table and offered to bring samples of some of their food. They said, "Yes, definitely." Soon we had little paper bowls with green beans, baked beans, sweet potato casserole, and baked potato casserole with itty bitty plastic spoons to sample the food. They also brought samples of smoked brisket, pork and sausage.

When we decided on our food, we ordered at the counter. Bob had a smoked turkey leg with potato salad and baked beans, I had smoked turkey breast with sweet potato casserole and coleslaw. Again, we shared our sides with each other.

Teri, Jerry, Bob and I shared an enthusiastic two-hour conversation about travel, civil war history, full-timing, Hawaii, life in the Pacific Northwest, museums, birds, photography, botanic gardens, and hiking trails. Our conversation wound down naturally and it was time to say our good-byes. We're hoping to see them again, if not in San Antonio, then somewhere down the road.

A huge thank you to Teri for the photos. I left my camera at the 5th wheel. 

Me eat now!
Bob and Susan
Bob, Susan, Teri, Jerry
Teri, Jerry, Bob, Susan
After lunch, Bob and I headed out to do errands. We took my Escape pod to the $5 Car Wash, got fuel at Costco gas station, and went to buy more bird seed from Wild Birds Unlimited. All missions accomplished except the bird seed. Wild Birds Unlimited closed at 4:00 p.m. and we arrived at 4:08 p.m.

Tomorrow and Tuesday I'm on call as a convention back-up worker at the Convention Center.

All for now. Travel Bug out.


  1. It was a great time!! We really enjoyed meeting you and discovering we liked so many of the same things. What fun that was and what a fantastic place to eat. Thanks for suggesting it. When our granddaughter arrives this week we plan on taking her there to do it all over again.

    1. Loved your pic of your granddaughter at The Big Bib. The only thing missing is the bib!

  2. Wow you have been busy. love it when a restaurant will let you sample things before ordering. We too have enjoyed our meet ups with like minded folks.

  3. Teri and Jerry are two of our favorite friends. We have met up with them several times. They gave us an excellent tour of Portland. Glad you four had an excellent lunch and good conversation.

    1. Yes we really hit it off with them. We lived over 30 years in the Pacific Northwest so we had that and travel in common to begin with. Very good time.

  4. If, or rather when, we get to San Antonio, I hope I remember The Big Bib BBQ - it sounds yummy!

  5. Love the "samples" idea. Looks delicious. Onto my list it goes, thanks for the tip.

    1. Yep, I've got my "bucket" list for places to see, things to do, RV park recommendations, and restaurants to try. If I don't keep up the list, I'll forget all the wonderful tips I read on people's blogs!


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