Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Thursday, March 29, 2012

In Transition - Thurs., Mar. 29

Sparks, NV:
We are officially in transition. The to-do list is getting longer:
  • Notify current RV park we won't be coming back 
  • Take cats in for vaccinations (due in April) and general health exams
  • Research new 5er tires, purchase and have installed before trip
  • Work out more (canceling our health club membership next week)
  • Buy bikes
  • Get quote on some RV repairs, i.e., two water leaks, get burner on stove working (two work, one is out), replace broken plastic drawer clasps, and maybe fix the pull-down shade on one of our windows that won't go back up (last item not urgent)
  • Do local Volkswalks
  • Susan to visit her aunt and cousins in California before we move out
  • Renew passports
  • Call relatives in Las Vegas and Phoenix to let them know when we'll be there
  • Buy tire covers
  • Sign up for service to allow us to get internet, phones and cable TV in remote areas
  • Finish up work with financial planner
  • Notify RV park in Fernley we need reservation for October to December 2012 for work
  • Re-pack our belongings in the 5er to redistribute the weight and make things more compact
  • Use up meat and eggs before we move
We made a reservation at Camping World in Las Vegas to have our replacement awning installed. Long story short: When we purchased our 5er, the slide out awning over our dining area was ripped and we asked Camping World to replace it before we left last October. They did not get the part before we left and told us the part was on order. When the new awning came in, they shipped it to us in Sparks, but there is no Camping World in the Reno/Sparks area. When we get to the Las Vegas Camping World, they will install the awning and back charge the Wood Village, Oregon, Camping World for the repair.

On a different note, the fur-kids get so wound up sometimes when they play or they see a new opportunity to explore. For example, if I open the shower door, both cats go in and inspect every inch, play with the drain plug (roll it around in the tub as it makes lots of noise), knock our razors off the ledges, try to drink any drop of water that might come out of the faucet, and sometimes Bowie will just sit in the tub. Go figure.

Tonight, Bob left one of our overhead cabinets open. Next thing I know, Sunnie has climbed five feet up the upholstered decor around our windows to try to get in the cupboard. (He almost made it before I made him get down.)

Heaven forbid we leave the closet door ajar. Soon two cats are in the closet pulling things off the shelf and clothes off the hangers.

Bowie's mission on any given day or night is to pull towels off the racks, the back of the chair where I put them to dry over the heater vent, or the shower door. Bowie is also the morning alarm clock--right on schedule: 6:00 a.m. But we love them dearly, the little buggers.

The kitties came with harnesses, but they have outgrown them. I want to get them new ones so we can take them outside and walk them. They already have nice leashes for their harnesses.

We are taking life one day at a time. Bob reviews the budget with me periodically. I'm happy he does it so we can continue living within our means and pay off our debt. Thank you, honey.

He also subscribes to the work kamper newsletter and keeps up to date on available jobs around the country. So many opportunities and all the time in the world!

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