Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Friday, December 21, 2012

"Jack Reacher" -- Fri., Dec. 21

Bob and I read Lee Child novels like there's no tomorrow. Oh, wait, yesterday's tomorrow wasn't supposed to happen! 

Anyway, when we heard about the "Jack Reacher" movie (based on Lee Child's novel "One Shot") a few months ago, we were gung ho to see it. Until, that is, we heard Tom Cruise was going to play Jack Reacher. Tom Cruise, really? He's 5'7" tall. In the novels, Jack Reacher is 6'5" tall and seemingly way more scrappy and scarred than Tom Cruise. Maybe Hugh Jackman or Russell Crowe (for scrappiness), but not Tom Cruise!

But we had to eat crow (not Russell); the movie was enjoyable and Tom Cruise pulled it off. Of course camera angles helped a lot. Both of us give the movie two thumbs up.

It helped that Groupon had a special for the movie theater closest to us, City Base. We got two tickets for $20 and that included $10 worth of snacks. Pretty good deal. I bought two of the deals so we can use the deal for another movie, maybe "Les Miserables" at Christmas. We want to see "Lincoln." And I want to see "The Hobbit."

Today was spent vacuuming, cleaning and making Cabbage Soup in the CrockPot. Cabbage Soup took a lot of work chopping, slicing and dicing but it turned out good for this cold evening (45 degrees). For dessert I'm making 3-2-1 Cake.

Saturday night we plan to head down to RiverWalk to see Christmas decorations. We may do a water taxi to check out decorations in the farther reaches. 

Bob made out like a bandit. One of his employees won season tickets to the Spurs games. She gave him tickets for Sunday and Wednesday night games this coming week. Those are perfect birthday gifts for him. (His birthday is Dec. 24.) 

Right now TSO (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) Christmas tunes are playing. TSO is in San Antonio but the tickets are ridiculously expensive, so we'll settle for our CDs, thank you very much. We did see them live in Tacoma, Washington about eight years ago. What a great show that was! 

Time to make 3-2-1 cake. Good night all.


  1. Caught up on blog, love kittie stories. Want to see "Jack Reacher" so glad for the favorable review!!

  2. Tom Cruise somehow ALWAYS pulls it off. I said the same thing when The Vampire Lestat came out. Tom a vampire? And he was so surprising in Tropic Thunder! I haven't read anything by Lee Child but have been noticing advertisements on my Kindle due to the movie coming out. I was so annoyed by the ads when I first bought the Kindle...but now I like the suggestions!

  3. Interesting review of Jack Reacher - it's not Tom Cruise's height that bothers me, it's Tom Cruise! I don't think I could bring myself to actually pay anything to go and watch a movie with him in it.

    I did read another blog the other day about someone going to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra in San Antonio - forget who though.

  4. I'm a Jack Reacher fan too! What? Tom Cruise? Since I don't follow the movies out there, I didn't know about it. I'm going to check it out.

  5. Hey Susan! We missed each other again! We left Texas on Thursday to go home for Christmas. We'll be back next Friday. Maybe we can arrange something after that to get together. Would love to see you.

    1. Doris,
      Long time no hear!

      Yes, please, let's get together. Are you still gg'ing for LOMA?


  6. Nope. The rancher on the ranch we were on last year hired us as managers to watch the ranch. They haven't had gg's there since last June and trucks were leaving the gate open. Nice to be there again and we can come and go as we please (together!). I'll email you when we get back to Texas. Have a wonderful Christmas!


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