Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Friday, December 14, 2012

Marco Polo Designs Jewelry -- Thurs., Dec., 13

Our time in the Columbia River Gorge was beautiful today.

Now it was time to see our friends Claude and Penny. We met these two wonderful people through mutual friends.

Claude and Penny
They recently sold their sticks and bricks home, bought a 5th wheel, moved their business, Marco Polo Designs, from Portland to Troutdale, and took trips to Italy and Hawaii. They're busier than we are! However, they are not yet traveling in their 5th wheel, but they are adjusting to living in a smaller space.

In the past they did not have a storefront and sold their jewelry online and through specialty stores. They said they're enjoying meeting customers face to face now.

We had a tour of their new store, where they also assemble the jewelry.

C'mon inside! Let's take a look at what they do. Their glass beads are their own design, hand-made by artisans in Venice and Murano, Italy. The process is described below.

Italian artisan.
Work area.
Penny at front counter.
Beads for one design of necklace.
Bead design board.
Necklace, bracelet, earring sets.

You can check out their website for more designs. Beautiful stuff. Bob bought a pair of earrings for me. He is such a romantic sweetheart.

When we finished the tour, Claude, Bob and I walked around Troutdale and looked in some storefronts and I took photos of some flowers braving the chilly temperatures.

Troutdale General Store.

Once the store was closed up for the night, off we went to McMenamin's Edgefield to the Powerhouse BrewPub for dinner. All of us enjoyed a brewski, except Bob who had a rootbeer. Dinner was very good.

After dinner, we were invited to Claude and Penny's 5th wheel for a tour and chocolate brownie ice cream. They have two big, fluffy black Persians--adorable. We had a lovely evening and have invited them to visit us in San Antonio when they have a chance.

Thank you Claude and Penny for a fine evening.

Travel Bug out.

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