Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shopping and Eating -- Wed., Dec. 12

Now that's what I call a girls' day out. My mom, sis and I went shopping: Beaverton Bakery to pick up pre-ordered pecan rolls, Costco, and Woodburn Company Stores.

In order to obtain the yummiest pecan rolls from Beaverton Bakery you have to either (a) get there when they open their doors at 6:00 a.m. or (b) pre-order them. They're that good.

From the bakery we headed back to Costco. Mom had to return her jeans because they were too big. However, my sister bought three pairs of the Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and they fit her perfectly. At $15.99 a pair, you can't beat that.

Last stop for shopping was the Woodburn Company Stores, my favorite factory outlet mall. And, since it's in Oregon, there's no sales tax!

I exchanged a too-large T-shirt that was a birthday gift for my size. The shirt is so cute: purple with a sparkly car pulling a vintage trailer; underneath the trailer it says "Road Trip." How perfect is that? We all did some shopping.

Every Christmas the mall puts up and decorates a huge Douglas fir tree. Very pretty.

Shopping is hard work and we were hungry. Elmer's Pancake House is next door so we had lunch there.

Jan and I in front of Elmer's.
Today Bob drove to Tacoma, Washington (to check on our rental there) and back. It was a long drive for him.

Our drive back from Woodburn showcased very black, dramatic clouds. By the time we arrrived in Tigard, the suns rays were shining through. 

When Mom, Jan and I returned to Mom's house, we popped "All the Pretty Horses" into the DVD player and watched that. It wasn't that pretty of a movie.

Then it was time to go out to dinner at Claim Jumper with our good friends Kimmie and Ky and my son, Mike. We love getting together and talking. Kimmie and Ky are part of our extended family. Wonderful people. Bob and Ky talked about China claiming the South China Sea as part of their territory. (This power play is called the Cow's Tongue; see another article here. Check it out.)

Mike is very interested in the Electric Universe and will be attending their conference in Albuquerque in January 2013.

After dinner, I finished watching "Lonesome Dove." Very good series. I look forward to the prequels.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Glad you are home safely. . .enjoy your holidays!

  2. I love the Woodburn Outlet ... but not too often. Elmer's has the absolute best crab salad. It's almost too much to eat at one time.

  3. We need to see a picture of that Road Trip T-Shirt. It's always good when the jeans are too big versus too small. :)

    1. I'll ask Bob to take a pic of me in the T-shirt. Love it!


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