A stunning wildflower meadow on our summit hike at Mt. Revelstoke, B.C. - Friday, August 2, 2024

A stunning wildflower meadow on our summit hike at Mt. Revelstoke, B.C. - Friday, August 2, 2024
A stunning wildflower meadow on our summit hike at Mt. Revelstoke, B.C. - Friday, August 2, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Stop Bugging Me! - Tues., Aug. 20

No, I'm not talking to you, dear readers. I'm talking to the bugs.

Yep, that's right. Two days after we fogged the place, the ants and disintegrating bugs are back. The cats found them, great hunters that they are.

Anyone have any ideas how to get rid of ants in the walls? They're tiny black ants that are super fast.

If we can't get rid of them, it's time to call an exterminator. Sigh. Not what we were hoping for.

Thanks for any and all suggestions, especially if you've had luck getting rid of them.


  1. Terro has always worked for me. Liquid traps that the ants take back to the colony and share with the whole group. Usually clears up the problem in a couple of days. Available on Amazon if you can't find it locally.

    1. Yup. That sticky stuff gets my vote. "Terro"? OK, that must be it. Raid makes the same stuff. Comes in a little red dispenser. Cut up some small squares of waxed paper, set them out wherever you see ants, put a drop on and wait.

  2. We've had the best luck with Terro Liquid Ant Baits. They disappear in no time.

  3. We have found this to be very effective with ants. Those that we had disappeared in 24 hours. Works like Terro.

    1 cup sugar
    3 tablespoons boric acid
    3 cups warm water

    1 Mix the sugar and Boric Acic well.
    2 Add the warm water slowly, mixing all the while so it won't be too lumpy.
    3 Store in a jar.
    4 When ready to use, put cotton into the top of a jar lid to fill it, and then saturate the cotton to the top.
    5 Place where you want it; make several if you need it.
    6 Will keep for a long while.
    7 NOTE: I usually drip a drop or two over the edge of the lid to rest on the counter so they will find it sooner.
    8 It sometimes takes a little while for them to find it, but find it they will.
    9 When they do, let them alone; you will want to kill them because they look so creepy; but don't because they will hang over the edge of the lid and drink, drink, drink, and then take it back to the nest.
    10 Almost over night, they will be gone.
    Also I spray BugStop (Ortho and Spectricide make it) around RV especially at all points of contact with ground (tires, levelers, stabilizers, electrical, water hose and sewer hose.)

    Wishing the critters stop "bugging"

    1. Thank you for the recipe. If only we could figure out where in our 5th wheel to put this so the cats don't get into it.

  4. I use a lid from a 20 OZ water bottle that holds one cotton ball. Our ants visited us around the kitchen sink. That is where I placed the baited cap. Our cat does not walk on our counters so for us that was no problem.
    If you have ant trails anywhere the cats do not walk, that would be a good place to start. If that is not good, tape an inverted colander over baited cap on the kitchen counter. Ants will find the bait, cats cannot get to the cap unless you have very assertive cats.
    Good luck

  5. You may do this already, but every so often I spray a perimeter around our rig with a bug killer. Used . . . what was it . . . Bug Be Gone or something like that and a more "green" product with natural ingredients. Not only on the ground, but the legs of the rig, etc. Sorry I can't be any help with suggestions once their inside the rig. Hope you get 'em out soon!

    1. Yes, we spray the perimeter including supports, around hoses and powercords, and I put down mothballs too just in case that helps.

  6. Terro is very effective. I have an exterminator that comes quarterly and he swears it is as effective as the commercial stuff he uses. I have heard that boric acid works well. I haven't personally tried the boric acid though. Once you get rid of the ants in the walls,


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