The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024
The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thank You -- Tues., June 19

Cotulla, Texas:
Milestones: Yesterday I wrote my 200th blog and a week ago I achieved 50 subscribers. A few weeks ago The Napping Blogger Award was presented to me, and today I received the Versatile Blogger Award. I will write more about the Versatile Blogger Award in another post.


Thank you to everyone who reads and/or subscribes to my blog. Nothing is more satisfying than creating/writing/photographing TravelBug-Susan. For years I have loved learning new words, writing, proofreading and editing. So it's nice to be validated for doing what I love. It's my creative outlet. (If I was paid to do it, that would be the icing on the cake.)

Gate update: The gate was slow today (eight entries on the log), but we did have some excitement. A portable unit was brought in to burn off a chemical from a different part of the site. It was very close to our rig. Most of the time they were here the flame was very small, but as they were finishing up we heard a loud WHOOSH and a huge flame came out of the little pipe (two or three different times). I tried to get a pic but wasn't there at the right time, so you'll have to settle for a picture of the small flame.

The other "news:" Yesterday when I was taking my shower the water pressure went way low. I had to turn on the water pump and then the water pressure was wonderful. 

Bob went out after my shower to see what the problem was. Apparently our water filter caught and stopped a big blob of something, rolled it up into a little ball. He cleaned it out and our water worked fine until today. 

Another blob of something stuck at the entrance to our water filter. I went out to look at with him. He unrolled the blob and it was stringy and yellowish...some kind of algae? Yuck!!! I'm glad I drink bottled water.  

We opened the big black water tank. The water looked pretty clear and we didn't see any algae; however, the top of the water had a film on it and there was sand covering the bottom of the tank. 

Our water will be refilled tomorrow. Before they refill the tank we are going to drain it, then have the sand flushed out. I don't know if the water pump on our generator trailer is clogged or what. It seems like it would need to be changed out once in a while. I'll say it again, I'm glad I drink bottled water!

Once again the south Texas sky and clouds are spectacular. Sustained winds and much blowing dust were the order of the day.

Bowie was standing on the chair with his paws on my computer. He wanted to type my blog today! How cute. But you'll have to use your imagination because I wasn't quick enough with the camera. You can also see Sunnie's tail sticking out from behind the laptop...his new favorite place.

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